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Image for article titled The Beds and Herts Breast Screening Service The Beds and Herts Breast Screening Service The mobile unit will be situated in the Marks & Spencer's Car Park, Brooke Centre and will start screening in July 2024. Read more... 03/07/2024 Image for article titled Healthy Memory Cafe Healthy Memory Cafe Last Friday of every month, 10.30am to 12noon. Community Room in Tesco Superstore, Brookfield Farm. 15/11/2023 Image for article titled Don't Let Measles, Mumps and Rubella into your child's world Don't Let Measles, Mumps and Rubella into your child's world This article explains about measles, mumps and rubella and the MMR vaccination which helps protect against all three diseases. 12/07/2023 Image for article titled New Online System New Online System Please beware with effect from Tuesday 22nd November our current online triage eConsult will be replaced with a new link called "Online Requests". 22/11/2022